Monday, January 7, 2008

Shepherd's Dinner

I was first introduced to this Christmas tradition when I went home for Christmas with Trav before we were married. We all wore these head dresses and ate our meal on the dinning room floor. It was a meal of potatoes, carrots, meat, berries, nuts, and sweet potatoes (and probably more) all cooked in individual sacks of parchment paper. Judy's post is much more interesting and includes a recipe. I have really come to enjoy this tradition.

Several days after we returned home, Theron came running up the basement steps with all of our pirate bandannas from the dress up bin requesting that we have another Shepherd's dinner. The feast wasn't quite the same but attire was pretty close. We thought about the Shepherd's dinner we had before Christmas and were all feeling a little closer to the crew we left behind in Chicago.
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I am Laura said...

Too cute a picture.

Judy said...

Hey, next year we will have a BYOH feast (Bring your own Head dress). These are great!

Aprilyn said...

I love your rendition of The Christmas story. It was about as crazy as ours. Ours would have said "And Joseph grabbed her first born..monkey and laid him in a tablecloth next to his sippy cup because that's about as much as we could get Marshall to cooperate. Besides, Mary was Grandma Diane and ya know, she's already had her own kids so it was Joseph's (Marshall's) turn.